Help and Contributors Day

(Para Português visita a Dia de Ajuda e de Contribuição)

The Help and Contributors Day will take place on May 17, 2024.

A project like WordPress, community-driven and open source, thrives on the collaboration of people from all over the world, in the most diverse areas: programmers, designers, translators, project managers, content creators, and much more.

Moreover, this year we are introducing the new Help space!

This new area is an opportunity for any community member to offer or receive help on various WordPress topics, promoting an environment of collaboration and sharing.

Update: Speakers’s slides

Anastasios Manoloudis – How to become a WooCommerce Core contributor (almost by accident!)

Mauricio Dinarte – Version control for WordPress with and without Composer

Miguel Santareno – Hunting Zero-days on WordPress plugins and making profit

Pedro Carvalho – Git branch strategies: ‘Commit’ed to the flow’

Pekka Kortelainen – The power is nothing without controls – let Linux tools and WP-CLI do the work for you

Sérgio Silva – Como proteger o seu site contra as ameaças digitais

Severo Coutinho – Freelancer em WordPress

Torsten Landsiedel – How to manage an open source plugin

Wendy Baltodano – ¿Cuáles son las estrategias DevOps más efectivas para el desarrollo web en WordPress?

Who can participate?


If you have used WordPress in any way, you certainly have something to contribute. From technical tasks like testing and reporting bugs, to developing plugins or themes, to non-technical activities like translating WordPress or improving the documentation. There is always something for everyone.

If it’s your first time contributing, don’t worry! We are here to guide you.

What do you need to bring?

  • Your laptop to work on your tasks.
  • Good spirits for a productive and fun day.

We also recommend that you sign up on:

  • for doubts with the Portuguese community.
  • for direct contact with the various WordPress teams.

Choose Your Team

In each formed team, there will be someone responsible to help as needed, but we count on everyone’s experience and knowledge.

Core: Ideal for those with programming knowledge. Here, you can contribute by writing new code, updating existing code, or fixing bugs. There are tasks for all experience levels.

Design: If you have a passion for UX and design, this is the right team for you. You will work on mockups, design, and user testing.

Polyglots: Help make WordPress accessible in more languages by translating not only the core but also themes and plugins. Another new thing this year, you can enroll in this link to ensure your contributions are accounted for during this event, so please click the “Attend Event” button.

Themes: For those who like to create and optimize themes. Join and contribute to the diversity of the WordPress repository.

And remember, the Help space is always open for knowledge exchange and mutual support.

The atmosphere on this day is very relaxed, and great for socializing and exchanging ideas. You don’t need to be in front of the computer all the time! If you think you can contribute in more ways, change teams. All help is welcome.

At the end of the day, the team results will be presented.

Participate and Make a Difference

  • 09:30 | Registration & Welcome
  • 10:00 | Start of Contributions & Help Day sessions
  • 12:15 | Group photo
  • 12:30 | Lunch
  • From 14:00 | Lightning & regular talks
  • 15:30 | Coffee break
  • 17:30 | Closing

Your WordCamp Porto ticket grants you full access to the Help and Contributors Day, at no additional cost.

Presentations List

Sexta-feira, 17 Maio 2024

09:30 WEST

Registo & Boas-vindas / Registration & Welcoming

09:30 - 10:00

Sala A
Sala B

10:00 WEST

Mesas de Contribuição e Ajuda / Contribution and Help

10:00 - 12:15

Sala A
Sala B

12:15 WEST

Foto de Grupo / Group Photo

12:15 - 12:30

Sala A
Sala B

12:30 WEST

Almoço / Lunch

12:30 - 14:00

Sala A
Sala B

14:00 WEST

Mesas de Contribuição e Ajuda / Contribution and Help

14:00 - 15:30

Sala A

Freelancer em WordPress

14:00 - 14:30

Severo Coutinho
Sala B

14:30 WEST

14:40 WEST

14:50 WEST

15:00 WEST

15:30 WEST


15:30 - 16:00

Sala A
Sala B

16:00 WEST

Mesas de Contribuição e Ajuda / Contribution and Help

16:00 - 17:00

Sala A

16:10 WEST

16:20 WEST

16:30 WEST

17:00 WEST

Balanço do Dia e Encerramento / Closing Remarks and Wrap-Up

17:00 - 17:15

Sala A
Sala B

Come Improve WordPress With Us

This is your moment to leave a mark on WordPress. Learn, share, and collaborate with us to enrich the WordPress community. Join us on this memorable day of joint growth and valuable contribution.

If you haven’t secured your ticket yet, make sure to do so here to participate in this enriching experience.
